Scripture Reading - Hebrews 4:12 MKJV (Modern King James Version)

For the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing apart of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

“Thought Discernment” is always tied to the heart of men, women and children. Yes, all humans have a heart which is made up of a soul and spirit. This combination is often called the core being of every human. This spiritual element of every person is critical for effective communication because knowing the intentions of another will help you immensely in understanding their motive. In the study verse above we notice that the Word of God is the only substance strong enough to penetrate the soul and spirit of a person. The Word of God is also sharp enough to separate the two major components of each person which are their spirit and soul. Most worldly people think that the heart is completely the soul of man, while just as many spiritual people think that the heart is only the spirit of a human. Clearly, the Word of God states that the two are distinct from one another but co-exist in every person. A simple way to look at it is the spirit of a born-again person comes from God. Our reborn spirit is born of God’s Holy Spirit, therefore it is made (created) in God’s exact image containing the exact same substance of God. This is how we hear directly from God because since He is the Father of all living spirits through the born-again experience we are His spiritual offspring, as the Holy Bible calls us the Children of God. Those that are not born of God’s Holy Spirit are of a different spirit biblically called darkness. In that Light, know with all confidence that the soul of every man makes them difference from the next person. Yes, truthful your soul is exactly what makes you unique to God and your fellow mankind. We (ihlcc) will say that your soul is your spiritual finger print that makes you stand out as a special individual in this earth. This is why “Thought Discernment” can only be understood by the enlightened Children of God or those who are more educated in the spiritual realm. The Child of God can know the difference between the words of God spoken in love and the less powerful words of men spoken from the soul of another person. This “Discernment of Thought” comes basically in two ways. The first way is the context of the words spoken, knowing that God’s Words come straight from the Holy Bible so they can be easily verified. The second way is the substance of the words which basically means the spirit of the words spoken. If the words are spoken in love they will have a certain measure of joy or peace or gentleness or goodness or longsuffering or meekness or faithfulness within them. God’s Words come directly from God’s Heart so listen for love to discern the thoughts of God. All other words will be products of the soulish realm that must be judged by God’s Word (truth) to separate all falseness and destruction. The simple test is all Godly words come from your spirit to illuminate your soul while all other words are coming from the soulish realm attempting to influence your spirit. Yes, deception comes from the evil one but it can only happen when our defenses are down. Keep your defenses up by using the Word of God properly to “discern the thoughts” of every person to accurately understand the intentions of their heart because then and only then will you know the initial source of what is being said to you. Moreover then, and only then, will you know how to properly respond in love to your Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!